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Log Search Specification

Logs are broken down into two discrete concepts: messages and attributes. Given the following log:'Queried table', { table: 'users', query: 'hello', }),

The log message is Queried table and the attributes are table:users and query:hello.

Searching for logs
Messages search

To search for a log message, simply type the text of the message. Given the following log:"excluding session due to no user interaction events")

We can find this log by typing excluding session due to no user interaction events

Attributes search

To search on a log attribute, add a : between search terms. Given the following log:{ user_id: 42, })

We can search for it via:

  • user_id:42 matches every log where user_id is 42
  • level:info matches every log with level info
  • Wildcard search

    To perform a wildcard search, use the * symbol:

  • service:frontend* matches every log that has a service starting with frontend
  • frontend* matches all log messages starting with the word frontend
  • *frontend matches all log messages ending with the word frontend
  • Autoinjected attributes

    By default, Highlight's SDKs will autoinject attributes to provide additional context as well as assisting in linking sessions and errors to their respective logs.